Alvin E. Roth, Nobel Laureate in economics and distinguished Harvard scholar, offers a useful and accessible approach to the economic concept of matchmaking: the practice designed to great mutually beneficial economic connections between individuals or organizations. In particular, the author deals with the markets and their designs. The idea is to help stakeholder's general reliable diagnoses related to their resources, opportunities, strengths, capabilities, weaknesses, and threats. Alvin E. Roth, Premio Nobel de Economia y distinguido academico de Harvard, ofrece un acercamiento util y accesible al concepto economico de matchmaking: la practica destinada a crear conexiones economicas mutuamente beneficiosas entre individuos u organizaciones. El autor se ocupa, de manera particular, del tema de los mercados y su diseno. La idea es ayudar a los interesados a generar diagnosticos confiables relacionados con sus recursos, oportunidades, fortalezas, capacidades, debilidades y amenazas.